
Over the past few years, we’ve seen a significant spike in stimulant addiction. This is especially true for young adults and teens.

Sadly, this substance abuse disorder can stop people from leading normal lives, and may even impact their brain development. That’s why uppers can be incredibly dangerous.

However, with the proper care and treatment, you can kick a stimulant habit. So, if you’re interested in learning more about stimulant addiction treatment in Boynton Beach, we can help guide you at Recreate Life Counseling.

We offer several types of therapy that will make it easier for people struggling with chemical dependency to get clean. Let’s find out what stimulants are and how to identify and treat the signs and symptoms of this addiction.

Stimulants Addiction Overview

A stimulant is any drug that can increase the activity of your mind or body. It does that by stimulating your nervous system through interactions with several neurotransmitters.

The result is a significant boost in energy, mood, alertness, and concentration. That’s why many people refer to them as uppers.

However, stimulants will affect your normal brain chemistry and cause major changes. If a person uses uppers for an extended period, their body will become dependent.

Without the drugs in their system, they won’t be able to function. They may feel an overwhelming sense of confusion and an uncontrollable craving for another dose of uppers.

At this point, the substance misuse develops into a full-blown addiction. Not only will this cause several complications in the individual’s life, but quitting can be difficult.

Since stimulants are addictive, if a person reduces their daily intake, they can experience symptoms of withdrawal.

How Do Stimulants Cause Addiction?

Uppers cause addiction by hyper-stimulating the brain’s reward system. The drug will increase the level of dopamine and norepinephrine in the body, leading to a feeling of alertness.

In high enough doses, this can develop into a euphoric state. The effects will only last for a couple of hours before leaving the user feeling depleted.

Over time, your body will stop producing dopamine and norepinephrine on its own. Your system will need stimulants to feel the same level of alertness, which is when a user develops a dependency.

What Are the Types of Stimulants?

Stimulants come in many forms and are more common than you think. For instance, we can consider caffeine and nicotine uppers. They can give you a jolt of energy and are mildly addictive.

Plus, there are legal prescription medications like Adderall and Ritalin that act as stimulants. These can help people with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) focus and calm down.

However, the most addictive forms of stimulants are illegal drugs. Some of the common examples include:

  • Cocaine
  • Ecstasy
  • Heroin
  • Methamphetamines (meth or crystal meth)

Signs of Stimulant Dependence

Stimulants can affect a person’s mental and physical health. Because of that, a serious uppers habit can lead to several noticeable symptoms. These include:

  • Loss of appetite
  • Shakes and tremors
  • Impulsive behavior
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Sudden bouts of energy followed by unexpected fatigue
  • Hallucinations
  • Extreme mood swings

These symptoms can appear within a short period of stimulant abuse. With a long-term addiction disorder, the side effects can escalate.

Some people who suffer from stimulant abuse experience increased paranoia and anxiety. This can lead to aggressive episodes and other health complications.  

Stimulant Tolerance and Overdose

One of the major drawbacks of stimulants is people can develop a tolerance to the drug quickly. Their body will adjust to the uppers, so they have to increase their daily dose consistently.

This can be incredibly dangerous without proper doctor supervision because it can lead to a fatal overdose. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the stimulant-related death rate has increased by 317% between 2013 and 2019.

Stimulant Withdrawal Symptoms

The reason quitting uppers can be challenging is the withdrawal symptoms. As soon as a person struggling with addiction decides to reduce the amount of stimulants they take, they can experience uncomfortable side effects. These include:

  • Seizures
  • Violent behavior
  • Paranoia
  • Psychosis
  • Fever
  • Panic attacks
  • Insomnia
  • Impaired memory
  • Intense cravings for food and stimulants
  • Twitching

Stimulant Addiction Treatment Plan

Stimulant addiction treatment isn’t a one-size-fits-all. People who struggle with substance abuse need a tailored plan that can help them get clean and stay sober.

At Recreate Life Counseling, we offer several types of treatments that range from round-the-clock care to private therapy sessions. Here’s an in-depth look at some of the programs we offer.

1. 30-Day Drug Rehab

Since the withdrawal symptoms of stimulants can be life-threatening, it’s best to detox in a medical environment. That way, the person struggling with addiction can ensure they have a full team of professionals ready to keep them safe.

If you need an extra push to help you get on the wagon, a 30-day drug rehab may be a perfect fit for you. This program involves a month-long stay at a medical facility surrounded by 24/7 monitoring.

A 30-day treatment plan will give the patient a chance to eliminate the drug from their system and attend various therapy sessions.

2. Medication-Assisted Treatment

Sometimes, the symptoms of stimulant withdrawal can be overwhelming. Between the discomfort and the altered mental state, the person struggling with addiction may find detoxing too challenging.

In that case, they can rely on medication-assisted treatment. In this program, doctors can prescribe certain medications to patients with a history of drug misuse.

These will ease the pain of withdrawal and can make managing stimulant cravings much easier. However, you should keep in mind that medication is only half the treatment plan.

Patients will also get the chance to undergo intensive therapy to uncover the root issue behind their addictions.

3. Outpatient Treatment

Most people don’t have the luxury of taking a month off from work or school. That’s why we offer outpatient treatment.

With this option, patients will have to attend rehab programs a few hours a day, twice a week. There, they’ll meet other people who struggle with addiction in a safe, comfortable environment.

Not only does this help them build a sense of community, but it’s also a great way to meet your sponsor. This is a veteran former addict who can guide you through the ins and outs of sobriety.

4. Partial Hospitalization Program

Even though outpatient treatment can be exceptionally effective, it may not be suitable for everyone who struggles with addiction. Some people need extra attention and a more structured schedule to ensure they stay on the wagon.

That’s when partial hospitalization can come in handy. This is similar to outpatient treatment, but patients attend rehab programs for five to six hours a day, up to six days a week.

Thanks to this strict schedule, people who are struggling with addiction will have better access to medical assistance. The constant supervision and the chance to work one-on-one with a certified doctor can improve a patient’s chances of staying sober.

5. Recovery Residences

Staying sober can be challenging when you’re constantly surrounded by triggers and the same environment that leads to substance abuse. It’s best to leave the negative influences behind, disconnect from the world, and focus on your sobriety.

If that’s what you’re looking for, you can opt for our recovery residences program. This is a sober living facility where patients can check in and stay for extended periods.

There, you’ll be surrounded by calming scenery and fresh air, which is the perfect environment to develop coping mechanisms for addiction.

It’s a judgment-free zone where you can explore which direction you want to take your life. Plus, you can attend rehab programs that help with identifying and resolving triggers and cravings.

6. Support Groups

Many recovering addicts feel a certain alienation from society. They find it tricky to connect with people and build relationships.

Unfortunately, this isolation can have an impact on their ability to stay sober. That’s why people who struggle with addiction need a strong network of support around them.

While family members and friends can be helpful, they don’t understand the intricacies of addiction. So, support groups are the best way to go. You’ll get to meet other former addicts and share stories and coping mechanisms.

7. Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy

Cognitive-behavioral treatment is a type of talk therapy that focuses on a patient’s mental and emotional states. It works by identifying harmful patterns and destructive habits and replacing them with healthier alternatives.

This type of treatment is especially useful for people who struggle with mental health disorders. It allows them to maintain their sobriety while addressing psychological issues.

Depending on each case, a doctor can prescribe one of three therapy options, including:

Wrapping Up

If you’re looking for stimulant addiction treatment in Boynton Beach, Recreate Life Counseling may just be the ticket. We offer several treatment options to help people get clean and stay on the wagon.

These include 30-day drug rehab, medication-assisted treatment, outpatient programs, and even recovery residences. You can also opt for partial hospitalization, support group, or other types of therapy.

Published on: 2024-04-07
Updated on: 2024-06-11