30-day Drug Rehab

30-day Treatment Drug Rehab

The use of controlled substances such as marijuana, cocaine and LSD are largely banned by the federal government, and most American states also prohibit citizens from using controlled substances. Dual diagnoses, also known as co-occurring disorders, are common. This is largely because they are easy to become addicted to and are considered to have few health benefits. If you are struggling to live your life without using drugs, it may be time to consider getting help and get addiction rehab.

What Are the Common Signs of Drug Addiction?

One of the key clues that you may be addicted to drugs is the fact that you can’t go more than a single day without using them. Depending on the severity of your alcohol abuse and drug addiction, it may be impossible to go more than a few minutes or hours before you start to notice symptoms of withdrawal. Symptoms of withdrawal may include sweating, nausea and vomiting, and you may also feel extremely drowsy or irritable if you haven’t used your drug of choice recently.

The reason why you develop cravings for a drug is that your body literally rewires itself to accommodate the chemicals that you put in it. Eventually, your brain assumes that it needs them to function properly, which means that you can develop physical or emotional issues if you stop consuming them.

In addition to having severe cravings for a given substance, you may also need to use more of it to achieve an adequate high. Over time, your body will simply get used to the chemicals that you are putting inside of it, which means that it won’t react as strongly. The fact that your high wears off faster is partially why you feel the need to use your drug of choice more often.

A final clue that you may be addicted to drugs is that you’ll do anything to acquire them. This may mean that you empty your bank account or cash out a 401(k) to ensure that you always have a supply of what you need.

If necessary, you may resort to taking payday loans or stealing from friends or family members to pay for your habit. In extreme cases, you may engage in prostitution or other dangerous activities to satisfy your need for an illicit substance.

How Long Should You Stay in Rehab?

A researcher has shown that you’re more likely to overcome your drug and alcohol addiction the longer that you stay at a rehab facility/treatment facilities. This generally means staying at an inpatient treatment facility for 90 days or more. However, at a minimum, you’re encouraged to enroll in a 30-day drug rehab program. 30-day drug rehab programs are relatively short-term substance abuse treatment programs usually lasting around a month.

This will give your body enough time to detoxification so that you’ll have a fresh start when you get back out into the world. It will also give you some time to talk to mental health counselors about what might have triggered your drug use. Working with your treatment providers or counselors can help you develop coping mechanisms that might make it easier to make healthier choices when presented with stressful situations in the future.

What Are the Benefits of Rehab?

Perhaps the best reason to take part in an inpatient rehab program is that you can do medical detox under the supervision of licensed medical professionals. This minimizes the risk that you will try to hurt yourself or others while your body gets rid of the poison that lingers within it.

Benefits of Rehab

Going to a treatment center/rehab center also gives you an opportunity to dissociate yourself from people or places that triggered your drug use. As a general rule, you aren’t allowed to have contact with anyone outside of your immediate family during your stay. In some cases, you may not be allowed to have contact with anyone for a certain period of time.

This gives you the time and space needed to focus solely on yourself and how to improve your life. It also gives you an opportunity to express yourself in an open and honest way without feeling as if you’re disappointing a family member, friend or another important person in your life.

What Steps Must You Take to Overcome Your Addiction?

There are three distinct phases that most drug addicts go through on their path to recovery. The first step is finally acknowledging that there is a problem that needs to be rectified. This may happen after getting into a car accident, losing custody of a child or being convicted of a crime.

It’s worth noting that going to rehab doesn’t mean that you have hit bottom. It’s not uncommon for people to get help because they think that is what others want them to do. Although rehab can still be helpful even if you haven’t hit bottom yet, simply checking into a facility doesn’t mean that you’re taking your problem seriously.

It can be extremely difficult for a person to acknowledge that they won’t overcome substance use disorder without help. However, it can be even harder to learn how to live without their substance of choice. Phase two in the path to recovery is coping with the physical and mental trauma that can occur during withdrawal.

Although the most severe withdrawal symptoms often subside within a few days, you will likely still have lingering cravings for whatever you used before seeking help. You may also experience other negative side effects such as memory loss or neuropathy for weeks, months or years after you stop using.

The final phase of recovery is readjusting to a new normal that may include cutting off old friends and acquaintances. It may also involve moving to a new town or city to get away from places or things that might trigger a relapse. Getting past an addiction may mean a new chance to forge relationships with a spouse, child or other family members. This may also trigger a variety of feelings such as happiness, guilt or shame that you’ll need to manage as part of your long-term recovery.

How Many People Overcome Their Addiction After Seeking Treatment?

Roughly one-third of people who enter rehab are able to successfully overcome their addictions. Success is defined as staying sober for at least 90 days after completing a drug rehab program. However, this doesn’t mean that the other two-thirds of people who seek help are unable to get or stay sober.

Instead, the statistics make clear that it usually takes multiple attempts to complete a rehab program or to stay sober after you do so. It’s worth noting that the word relapse has a number of definitions depending on what a person’s actual goals are.

drug rehab

For example, if merely thinking about using drugs constitutes a relapse to you, it’s almost guaranteed that you will relapse at some point. If you consider relapsing to mean that you used a drug more than once, it’s less likely that you’ll think of yourself as someone who has failed to have a sober living.

It’s worth noting that using at all is generally considered to constitute a failure to maintain your sobriety. It’s also important to point out that many people attend meetings, group therapy and family therapy sessions, or participate in other outpatient program activities for months or years after they stop using.

Your Odds of Staying Sober Increase If You Have a Support System in Place

One of the benefits of intensive outpatient treatment services is that it provides you with a support system when you’re feeling vulnerable. However, even if you choose not to participate in a formal program, it’s critical to have people in your life who will help you during your lowest points. These people can be friends, family members, loved ones, or support groups who you trust to have your best interests in mind if you need their help.

If you need help with drug addiction recovery, don’t hesitate to contact the folks at Recreate Life Counseling today. There are different types of treatment plans and drug addiction treatment options such as the 30-day rehab program, that can be tailored to meet your specific level of care, and these programs are guided by professionals who are trained to provide the highest quality of care.

Published on: 2022-06-16
Updated on: 2024-09-11