How Does Crystal Meth Affect Dopamine?

Crystal meth is a stimulant drug that gets its name from its crystalline or crystal-like appearance. Also called ice or glass, crystal meth is usually smoked out of a glass pipe, but can also be snorted or injected. It is a highly addictive drug that affects the central nervous system.

Crystal meth produces an intense euphoric rush when its users take the drug. It creates a false sense of happiness and well-being, confidence, energy, hyperactiveness, and decreases the need for sleep and food. The effects of this drug can last between six and eight hours, but depending on the dose taken may even last for up to 24 hours.

How Does Crystal Meth Affect Dopamine?

Correlation Between Crystal Meth And Dopamine Levels

Crystal meth, like other stimulants, causes extreme amounts of the neurotransmitters dopamine and norepinephrine to be released when it is taken. This is why a lot of people who have pre-existing and untreated depression will use crystal meth. It produces intense feelings of euphoria, increases energy, and has other psychoactive effects which temporarily take away their depression.

The National Institute of Health The Permanente Journal “The “Party Drug Crystal Methamphetamine: Risk Factor for the Acquisition of HIV” states:

The brains of people addicted to methamphetamine are different from those of nonaddicts. The pleasure center of the brain is the nucleus accumbens, where the active neurotransmitter is dopamine. Both crack cocaine and methamphetamine prevent the reuptake of dopamine, which allows it to collect and thus prolongs and increases its effects…a wide variety of stimuli affect dopamine levels. Natural rewards such as food and sex elevate dopamine output by 150% to 300% above basal output. Stimulant drugs, however, are more efficient than natural rewards at increasing the release of dopamine. Methamphetamine increases dopamine release to >1000% above basal levels within the first hour of taking the drug, with levels returning to basal after three hours. (NIH)

More About How Does Crystal Meth Affect Dopamine

The massive amounts of dopamine that are released once it is taken make the drug so addicting. Users want to continue using the drug to continue experiencing these intense euphoric feelings.

Once a person eventually stops taking the drug, they experience an extreme crash-like effect from depleting dopamine and serotonin levels. This causes extreme mood changes such as depression, apathy, and hopelessness and causes the user to sleep for hours and hours.

Overcome Crystal Meth Abuse at Recreate Life Counseling

Crystal meth can cause a person to become addicted after just their first use. This drug eventually depletes the body’s natural supply of dopamine and can have damaging effects on a person’s brain and body after only brief exposure.

Suppose you have a problem or addiction to crystal meth. In that case, it’s important to get into treatment as soon as possible, as long-term crystal meth use can have devastating effects on a person’s physical and mental well-being. Recreate Life Counseling offers intensive outpatient treatment and partial hospitalization programs. Cutting-edge and evidence-based addiction treatment, we are here to get you moving towards the road to long-term recovery. So call our specialists and let them help you get started on getting your life back. Today is your day to overcome crystal meth addiction.

Published on: 2021-08-18
Updated on: 2024-11-08

What Is the Most Expensive Drug in the World?

When people think of paying a lot for drugs, they typically pay large amounts for illegal substances like cocaine, which can be pretty pricey. However, the ten most expensive drugs in the United States are all prescription medications.  According to an article published by Becker’s Hospital Review, the most expensive drug in the United States is Zolgensma, a drug used to treat spinal muscular atrophy.

People who require this medication pay over $2 million a year out of pocket. After this medication, Zokinvy is the most expensive, costing those who need it over $1 million every year.  

Zolgensma As a The Most Expensive Legal Drug in The World

Unfortunately, major pharmaceutical companies monopolize on the needs of people with rare illnesses who require medication to survive. What makes these medications so expensive, and are there any alternatives that people in need can reach if they are in lower or middle-income brackets? Zolgensma does not currently have any alternatives.

It is used to treat a rare motor neuron disease that leaves children with a slim chance of survival if they don’t have access to the medication before they turn two years old. This drug is only available in the UK, and it is roughly 1.7 million pounds for a single dose. 

The Most Costly Illegal Drug on The Current Market

Of course, medications like this are an absolute necessity, and those who use them will never abuse them simply because they are so unobtainable and expensive. But which illegal drugs on the current market are the most costly, and which expensive drugs are abused the most frequently?

What Is the Most Expensive Drug in the World?

Drug Addiction Is a Very Expensive Habit 

Even people who use easily accessed drugs and relatively easy to afford, like methamphetamine and crack cocaine, often find themselves in a very bad financial place.  This is not only because the chemical substances themselves are expensive but also because people grappling with substance abuse disorders are rarely able to hold down a job and financially support themselves. As a result, they often resort to stealing money from relatives and friends, pawning valuables, and engaging in other illegal activities to support their habit. 

The Most Commonly Abused and The Most Expensive Drug in The United States Is…

 Interestingly enough, the most commonly abused and the most expensive drug in the United States (outside of the prescription medications we previously mentioned) is tobacco. The National Institute on Drug Abuse  Found that tobacco costs American citizens roughly $295 billion every year.  Outside of that, tobacco costs $130 billion alone in health care costs like cancer treatments and the treatment of emphysema and other smoke-related issues.

Alcohol As a Second The Most Expensive Drug in The Country

As one might imagine, the 2nd most expensive chemical substance throughout the country is alcohol, which costs Americans roughly $224 billion every year.  Think about it. If you go to the bar and purchase three alcoholic beverages, you probably spend around $30 every time.  

If you go to the bar 5 times a week, That’s roughly $150 that you would otherwise be saving.  Prescription painkillers like oxycodone and hydrocodone also cost Americans a significant amount of money, including cocaine, marijuana, and heroin.  If you have been struggling with a drug addiction of any type or severity and you take the time to do the math, you will be amazed at how much you spend on an annual basis.

Get Help For Drug Dependence at Recreate Life Counseling

At Recreate Life Counseling, we do more than provide our clients with a comprehensive addiction treatment program. We understand that active addiction strips people of their ability to control their finances adequately. We offer life skills training services that focus on budgeting and regaining financial independence.  We take the time to show each of our clients how much money they will save long-term should they maintain sobriety.

Contact us today to learn more about our drug addiction recovery program or get started with our simple admissions process. We look forward to speaking with you soon and helping you get started on a path that is undeniably much better than the path you are on now.


  • How do drugs compare in cost compared to drug rehab and jail time?

Published on: 2021-08-13
Updated on: 2024-11-08

What Drugs Did Lil Peep Overdose On?

Substance abuse has always been a major player when it comes to rap music and rap culture. There are very few rap artists who have never written and rapped about their struggles with substance abuse, or about the role that chemical substances play in their lives. While many rap artists romanticize drug misuse, some portray drug addiction in a realistic light. Eminem, for example, has openly rapped about his struggles with addiction and his subsequent recovery.

What Drugs Did Lil Peep Overdose On?

Did Drug Abuse Cause Lil Peep’s Death?

Not all rap artists can overcome addiction, however – Lil Peep, for example, lost his battle with drug addiction in 2017. The young musician was born in Pennsylvania in 1996, and he was raised in New York, which is where he first began releasing music. He quickly moved from SoundCloud (a free platform) to performing in clubs, and soon he had gained rampant popularity for his unique style of rap-rock.

Like many other people across the country who struggle with addiction, Lil Peep simultaneously struggled with mental illness. He was diagnosed with depression and bipolar disorder at a young age, his mental illnesses undeniably played into his substance use. Most people know that Lil Peep passed away at a young age, whether or not they are fans. However, not many people know what drugs he overdosed on.

What Drugs Did Lil Peep Overdose On?

Lil Peep was on tour in Arizona when he experienced a fatal drug-related overdose. Before his death, he had posted about drug use on several social media outlets, letting his fans know that he was taking prescription medication (specifically Xanax), cannabis concentrate, and cocaine. He alluded to the fact that he took psilocybin mushrooms as well (magic mushrooms).

His manager found him unresponsive on his tour bus, and even though he called emergency first responders immediately Lil Peep was later pronounced dead at the scene. The toxicology report concluded that the young rap artist had a combination of chemical substances present in his system at the time of death.

The actual cause of death, however (the drugs that lead to his overdose), was a combination of Xanax and fentanyl. Fentanyl is a notoriously deadly synthetic opioid, one that is between 50 and 100 times more potent than morphine. Fentanyl has been solely responsible for the deaths of many well-loved musicians and celebrities. However, combining fentanyl with a benzodiazepine like Xanax is far more dangerous, and more often than not doing so results in overdose or overdose-related death.

What are the Numbers and Statistics About Overdoes in America?

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, a study conducted in 2019 found that 16 percent of all overdose deaths that involved opioid narcotics also involved benzodiazepines. Every day, an average of 136 Americans over the age of 12 lose their lives to accidental opioid overdose. Rates of opioid abuse are higher among men and women who struggle with underlying mental health conditions – just like Lil Peep.

The good news, however, is that recovery is always possible. If you or someone you love has been struggling with an opioid abuse disorder of any type or severity, you must seek professional help immediately to prevent overdose. Call Recreate Life Counseling today to learn more about how to get started with a program of recovery.

Recreate Life Counseling and Drug Addiction Recovery

At Recreate Life Counseling we offer age and gender-specific treatment options for people of all ages and walks of life who are struggling with drug addiction and who might be at risk of overdose. Our main priority is ensuring that all of our clients leave our treatment program with the tools they need to stay sober long-term. To learn more about our comprehensive drug addiction treatment program, call us at any point in time – we are standing by to help in any way that we can.

Published on: 2021-05-28
Updated on: 2025-03-04

Is it Possible to Snort Crack Cocaine?

Simple question, can you snort crack? Let’s start with some facts, which tell us that crack cocaine is an illegal drug that is the most potent and most addictive form of cocaine. It is essentially cooked down until it is the purest form of cocaine so it turns into a rock form rather than a powder. Take it from me when I say crack cocaine will ruin your life. I lost my family, job, home, and ultimately myself all within a short couple of months due to the severe addiction I formed to snorting crack cocaine.

crack cocaine

Is Snorting Crack Cocaine Possible?

While crack cocaine is generally smoked, the short answer to can you snort crack is yes. It reacts differently in the body than when you smoke it. When smoked, the crack cocaine goes directly from the lungs to the brain so the effects are felt instantaneously and are very short-lived about 10 minutes. When crack cocaine is snorted, the drug takes much longer to reach the brain and feel the effects. It has to go from the noses to the heart, and then to the lungs, back to the heart, then it makes its way to the brain where the effects are felt.

Why Do People Snort Coke or Crack?

Snorting crack cocaine is known as insufflation. Crack cocaine creates a very euphoric high that is highly sought after and it doesn’t take long, sometimes after just one use, for someone to be addicted to chasing that high. It creates feelings of happiness, energy, and mental alertness. For whatever reason the person has, it is the feeling that crack cocaine makes that people get addicted to before it takes them down are a dark path into the life of addiction.

Many people have the misconception that snorting crack is safer than smoking it so they are more protected from its addictive qualities. This is far from true. While smoking allows the drug to enter the brain more quickly, snorting it still carries a high risk for addiction. Others choose to snort crack cocaine rather than smoke it because the effects can last longer than smoking.

The Dangers of Snorting Crack Cocaine

The number one danger associated with snorting crack is an addiction; a lifelong disease that will take a loving caring person and turn them into someone they never thought they would become. It will bring you to your darkest place. Please heed my warning as I experienced this myself. I never realized how far gone I was as a result of crack addiction until I was already drowning in it. Crack is not something to be fooled with unless you want to see the worst version of yourself.

Snorting crack cocaine also leads to a lot of other mental and physical problems for myself, and so many others. Crack cocaine brought on great mental instability like anxiety, delirium, and hallucinations as a result of not sleeping enough, paranoia, and severe depression. It is also possible to experience psychosis as a result of crack abuse. Physically speaking, snorting crack cocaine left me looking malnourished and underweight because one It took away my appetite, and two It left me with no money for food.

Is Your Nose Affected by Snorting Crack?

Snorting crack also does serious damage to a person’s heart. These complications can even kill you because they can lead to congestive heart failure, heart disease, or a heart attack. Snorting crack cocaine is also very disturbing for your nasal cavity. The nose is delicate and you are putting a foreign and corrosive substance in there. It can cause bone loss, collapsed nasal passage, a perforated septum, and sinus infections.

Crack Cocaine Addiction Help at Recreate Life Counseling

If you or a loved one is suffering as a result of a crack cocaine addiction, know that recovery is possible and you do not have to continue harming yourself and your loved ones because of your addiction. At Recreate Life Counseling, we have the resources to help you get your life back on track and to teach you how to live life sober and happy again. Now is the time to put down crack cocaine. We are here to help you!

Published on: 2021-03-15
Updated on: 2025-02-09

What Are the Street Names for Ecstasy?

Ecstasy is a synthetic drug chemically similar to hallucinogens and stimulants. It has a similar structure as methamphetamines and is a derivative of amphetamines. Ecstasy alters an individual’s mood and perception and also produces feelings of extreme pleasure, increased energy, distorted time and sensory perception, and emotional warmth.

Ecstasy used to be a legal medication. It was developed in 1912, by the Merck pharmaceutical company. The original form of the medication was called “MDMA”, and in 1953 it was used by the US Army in psychological warfare testing. In 1960, “MDMA” was used as a psychotherapy medication to lower inhibitions, and by the 1970’s it was being used as a party drug.

In the 1980s MDMA was the most popular drug for weekend parties. In 1984, it was sold under the brand name of “Ecstasy”, and in 1985 it was banned due to safety concerns.

According to the National Institutes of Health:

MDMA was initially popular in the nightclub scene and at all-night dance parties (“raves”), but the drug now affects a broader range of people who more commonly call the drug Ecstasy or Molly. People who use MDMA usually take it as a capsule or tablet, though some swallow it in liquid form or snort the powder. The popular nickname Molly (slang for “molecular”) often refers to the supposedly “pure” crystalline powder form of MDMA, usually sold in capsules. However, people who purchase powder or capsules sold as Molly often actually get other drugs such as synthetic cathinones (“bath salts”) instead. Some people take MDMA in combination with other drugs such as alcohol or marijuana.

Ecstasy usually comes in the form of a pill, but it can also be injected or taken as a liquid; the liquid form of the drug is called GHB. GHB is a central nervous system depressant, and it is a very dangerous form of the drug. There have been many instances where GHB has been unknowingly slipped into people’s drinks. They are then lured away from their original location and will wake up the next day without having any recollection of what happened to them.

What Are the Street Names for Ecstasy?

What Are the Street Names for Ecstasy?

Ecstasy has many different street names. The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) has many alternative ecstasy names listed in their database because drug dealers often change the street names to try and confuse law enforcement.

Known as a party drug, ecstasy comes in pill or powder form; the pill has a variety of logos and colors. The street names put together by the DEA include:

  • Adam
  • Beans
  • Biscuit
  • Clarity
  • Disco Biscuit
  • E
  • Eve
  • Hug Drug
  • Lover’s Speed
  • MDMA
  • Peace
  • STP
  • X
  • XTC
  • Molly

There are also some other street names of ecstasy: Cadillac, California Sunrise, Essence, Elephants, Love Drug, Love Pill, Molly, Roll, Scooby snacks, Snowball, and XE.

Side Effects of Ecstasy Use

Ecstasy affects three different chemicals in the brain, dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine. Its effects can give the individual a greater sense of well-being, emotional warmth, enhanced sensory perception, and increased empathy towards others. Some of the side effects of the drug can include:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Confusion
  • Attention problems
  • Decreased libido
  • Irritability
  • Insomnia
  • Reduced appetite
  • Memory problems
  • Impulsiveness

The onset of Ecstasy is about 45 minutes after a dose is taken, and the duration is usually between three to six hours.

Dangers of Ecstasy Abuse

Just like a lot of heroin, cocaine, and other substances in this country are being mixed with fentanyl, Ecstasy can also have a lot of additives. A person may purchase a pill that they believe to be pure Molly, but much of the time it is mixed with cocaine, methamphetamine, ketamine, bath salts, and/or over-the-counter cough medicine. You do not know what you are buying these days, and any of these substances can be extremely dangerous especially when mixed with MDMA.

Treatment for Ecstasy Addiction

If you or someone you love is struggling with an addiction, our addiction specialists are available around the clock to assist you. Recreate Life Counseling provides cutting edge addiction treatment. We tailor our programs to meet the individual needs of each person suffering from addiction. We offer a variety of different treatment programs to help recreate your life and get you on the road to a lasting recovery.


  • How long does Ecstasy stay in your system?

Published on: 2020-10-14
Updated on: 2024-10-11

How Long Does a Crack Cocaine High Last?

The euphoric effects of crack cocaine hit rapidly and intensely, making it one of the most addictive stimulant drugs. Unlike powder cocaine, a white powder that is typically snorted, crack cocaine is a freebase form that is smoked, leading to an immediate and powerful high.

Crack cocaine is a highly potent stimulant that impacts the central nervous system, producing an intense but short-lived high. This powerful stimulant is derived from South America, where coca leaves are processed into powdered cocaine before being converted into crack. When smoked, the drug enters the bloodstream almost instantly, creating a rapid dopamine surge that results in extreme euphoria, increased energy, and heightened confidence.

Crack Cocaine

However, this intensity comes at a cost. The high from crack cocaine typically lasts only 5 to 15 minutes, followed by an abrupt and severe crash that leaves users feeling anxious, irritable, and desperate to use again. The effects of cocaine use are further complicated by the production of cocaethylene, a toxic byproduct that forms when cocaine is combined with alcohol, significantly increasing the risk of overdose and cardiovascular issues.

So, how long does a crack cocaine high last, and what factors influence its duration? The answer depends on dosage, frequency of use, tolerance, metabolism, and the presence of other substances like opioids or alcohol. While the high itself is fleeting, the long-term consequences—both physical and psychological—can be devastating.

In this article, we’ll explore the effects of cocaine, the duration of its high, the crash that follows, and the serious risks associated with crack cocaine use, while also offering hope for those seeking recovery.

How Crack Cocaine Affects the Brain

Crack cocaine is a powerful central nervous system stimulant that rapidly affects dopamine levels in the brain. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter associated with pleasure, motivation, and reward. Under normal conditions, dopamine is released and then reabsorbed by neurons, regulating mood and behavior. However, when crack cocaine is smoked, it prevents dopamine reabsorption, leading to an intense surge of euphoria.

Unlike powder cocaine, which is often snorted and absorbed more slowly, crack cocaine enters the bloodstream almost instantly through the lungs, reaching the brain within seconds. This rapid dopamine spike creates a powerful but extremely short-lived high, reinforcing compulsive use and addiction as the brain quickly craves more of the drug.

Immediate Effects of a Crack Cocaine High

Once smoked, crack cocaine delivers an almost instantaneous rush, leading to:

  • Euphoria & Intense Pleasure – Users feel an overwhelming sense of well-being and confidence.
  • Increased Energy & Alertness – A sudden boost in physical energy and mental focus.
  • Heightened Sensory Perception – Colors may seem brighter, sounds more intense.
  • Decreased Appetite – Users may go hours without feeling hungry.
  • Temporary Reduction in Fatigue – Feelings of exhaustion are replaced with alertness.

However, this high is fleeting, and users often experience a rapid and severe crash as dopamine levels plummet. This crash can lead to intense cravings, anxiety, paranoia, and depression, which often trigger repeated use and binge cycles.

Crack Cocaine

How Long Do the Effects of Crack Cocaine Last?

The onset and duration of cocaine vary and depend solely on how the drug is ingested.  Let’s take a look at the different ways it’s ingested and how long the high lasts.

Method of UseOnset of EffectsDuration of High
Injecting Cocaine (IV use)10-15 seconds15-30 minutes
Snorting Cocaine (Powdered Cocaine)1-3 minutes30-60 minutes
Gumming Cocaine (Oral/Buccal Use)1-3 minutes45-90 minutes
Smoking Crack Cocaine10-15 seconds5-15 minutes

The methods that get cocaine into your system or bloodstream faster allow the drug to wear off faster. The high euphoria that one gets from smoking crack cocaine comes on very hard and very fast making it one of the most, psychologically addicting drugs. Once the high wears off, the drug leaves you craving more and more of it. A lot of times you will hear people say that they continue to smoke crack cocaine, trying to achieve that initial high and euphoria that they got when they took that first hit, and they are never able to obtain it.

Crack Cocaine vs. Powder Cocaine: Duration & Intensity

Form of CocaineOnset of EffectsPeak HighTotal Duration
Crack Cocaine (Smoked)10-15 seconds1-5 minutes5-15 minutes
Powder Cocaine (Snorted)1-3 minutes15-30 minutes30-60 minutes
Powder Cocaine (Injected)Immediate5-10 minutes20-45 minutes

Key Differences:

  • Crack cocaine produces a much faster, more intense high but lasts for a significantly shorter time.
  • Powder cocaine (snorted) has a slower onset but lasts longer (up to an hour).
  • The rapid crash of crack cocaine leads to a stronger compulsive need to redose, increasing addiction risk.

Understanding the short-lived but intense nature of a crack cocaine high is crucial for recognizing the dangers of repeated use, addiction, and long-term consequences.

Factors Influencing the Duration of the High

The length and intensity of a crack cocaine high depend on dosage, method of use, metabolism, frequency of use, and purity.

crack cocaine usage

Dosage: Larger doses create a more intense high but do not prolong it. Instead, they worsen the crash by rapidly depleting dopamine.

Route of Administration: Smoking vs Snorting vs Injecting

  • Smoking (Crack Cocaine) – Reaches the brain in seconds, with a 5-15 minute high.
  • Snorting (Powder Cocaine) – Slower absorption, lasting 30-60 minutes.
  • Injecting (Powder Cocaine) – Immediate effect, 20-45 minutes high, but higher risk of overdose.

Smoking crack leads to the most intense and addictive cycle due to its rapid onset and short duration.

Metabolism: How the Body Processes Crack Cocaine

  • Body fat & weight – Higher fat content slows metabolism.
  • Liver function – A healthy liver clears the drug faster.
  • Genetics – Some metabolize cocaine quicker, shortening its effects.

Frequency of Use: Tolerance Reduces Duration

Repeated use builds tolerance, meaning:

  • The same dose produces a weaker high.
  • Users increase dosage to feel the same effect.
  • Highs become shorter, leading to binge use.

Purity of the Drug: Adulterants Matter

  • Pure crack creates a stronger, immediate high.
  • Adulterated crack (cut with baking soda, talcum, or fentanyl) may weaken or increase risks.

Crack cocaine produces an intense but short-lived high, with factors like dosage, tolerance, metabolism, and purity influencing its effects. Would you like me to refine this further? 

The Crash Following the High

The crash that follows a crack cocaine high is often as intense as the high itself—only in the opposite direction. As the drug quickly leaves the system, users experience severe dysphoria, anxiety, depression, fatigue, and intense cravings. Many also report feeling irritable, restless, and emotionally unstable, struggling to regain a sense of normalcy.


This crash occurs because crack cocaine depletes dopamine and other neurotransmitters at an extreme rate. During the high, the brain is flooded with dopamine, creating euphoria and heightened energy. However, once the drug wears off, dopamine levels plummet, leaving the user in a state of emotional and physical exhaustion. Without sufficient dopamine, the brain struggles to regulate mood and motivation, contributing to severe depressive symptoms and an overwhelming urge to use again.

The intensity of the crash often drives compulsive use, leading users to take more crack to escape the discomfort. This binge-crash cycle can quickly spiral into addiction, as the brain becomes increasingly dependent on the drug to function. Over time, repeated crashes worsen mental health, increasing the risk of chronic anxiety, depression, paranoia, and cognitive impairment. Some long-term users develop persistent mood disorders and struggle with emotional regulation even after stopping the drug.

Breaking free from this cycle requires professional intervention and support, as the psychological grip of crack cocaine can be just as challenging as its physical effects. Seeking treatment can help restore brain chemistry, stabilize mood, and rebuild a healthier, addiction-free life.

Short-Term Side Effects of Crack Cocaine

The short-term effects occur immediately after smoking crack and can last anywhere from 5 to 15 minutes before the crash begins. These include:

  • Euphoria & Intense Pleasure – A powerful but short-lived sense of well-being.
  • Increased Heart Rate & Blood Pressure – A spike in cardiovascular activity, increasing the risk of heart attack or stroke.
  • Dilated Pupils & Increased Body Temperature – A sign of central nervous system overstimulation.
  • Enhanced Energy & Alertness – A sudden boost in energy and mental focus.
  • Loss of Appetite & Weight Loss – Crack suppresses hunger, leading to rapid weight loss.
  • Shortness of Breath & Chest Pain – Crack smoking irritates the lungs and can cause respiratory distress.
  • Heightened Anxiety & Paranoia – Some users experience intense nervousness or paranoia shortly after smoking.
  • Compulsive Drug-Seeking Behavior – The short high leads to binge use, increasing addiction risk.

Severe Risks

  • Cocaine Overdose – Can cause seizures, heart failure, or stroke.
  • Risk of Sudden Death – Even first-time use can lead to fatal cardiovascular collapse.

Long-Term Side Effects of Crack Cocaine

Long-term effects of crack cocaine use has serious health consequences affecting nearly every system in the body.

Physical Health Problems

  • Cardiovascular Damage – Chronic use weakens the heart, creates high blood pressure, damages blood vessels, and increases the risk of stroke, heart attack, and aneurysm.
  • Lung & Respiratory Issues – Chronic cough, lung infections, and respiratory failure due to repeated smoking.
  • Neurological Damage – Crack alters brain structure, leading to memory loss, reduced cognitive function, and decision-making difficulties.
  • Severe Weight Loss & Malnutrition – Prolonged use leads to muscle wasting and severe malnutrition.
  • Hepatitis & Infections – Crack cocaine users who share pipes or needles have a higher risk of hepatitis and other infections.

Mental Health Effects

  • Paranoia & Hallucinations – Long-term use can cause cocaine-induced psychosis, leading to severe paranoia, delusions, and auditory hallucinations.
  • Severe Depression & Anxiety – Chronic use depletes dopamine, making it difficult for users to feel pleasure without the drug.
  • Emotional Instability – Users may experience violent mood swings, aggression, or suicidal thoughts.

Social & Economic Consequences

  • Addiction & Substance Use Disorder – Crack cocaine has one of the highest addiction potentials, leading to compulsive use and dependency.
  • Financial Ruin – Addiction often leads to job loss, financial instability, and legal issues.
  • Legal Consequences – Crack cocaine possession can lead to arrests, incarceration, and long-term legal problems.
  • Damaged Relationships – Addiction often results in estranged family relationships, loss of trust, and isolation.

Crack Cocaine Withdrawal Symptoms

Crack cocaine withdrawal is primarily psychological rather than physical, but it can be intensely distressing and lead to severe cravings and emotional instability. The withdrawal process varies depending on duration of use, frequency, and dosage, but most users experience several key symptoms after stopping use.

Psychological Symptoms

  • Intense Cravings – A powerful urge to use crack again, often leading to relapse.
  • Severe Anxiety & Restlessness – Users feel extreme nervousness, agitation, and paranoia.
  • Depression & Suicidal Thoughts – Dopamine depletion leads to persistent sadness, hopelessness, and emotional numbness.
  • Irritability & Mood Swings – Users may experience uncontrollable anger and frustration.
  • Hallucinations & Paranoia – Some users experience cocaine-induced psychosis, causing delusions and paranoia even when sober.

Physical Symptoms

  • Fatigue & Extreme Lethargy – The body crashes after overstimulation, leading to severe exhaustion.
  • Increased Appetite & Weight Gain – Users may binge eat as metabolism stabilizes.
  • Body Aches & Muscle Pain – Aches and discomfort are common.
  • Headaches – Often caused by dopamine imbalances and dehydration.
  • Insomnia or Excessive Sleeping – Users either struggle to sleep or sleep for long hours as the body recovers.

Cognitive Symptoms

  • Difficulty Concentrating – Brain fog and slowed cognitive function are common.
  • Memory Issues – Users may experience short-term memory loss or difficulty processing information.

Withdrawal Timeline

First 24-48 HoursCravings begin, extreme fatigue, irritability, restlessness.
Days 3-5Cravings peak, anxiety, depression, paranoia, intense mood swings.
Week 1-2Sleep disturbances, emotional instability, lingering cravings.
Weeks 3-4Psychological symptoms improve, but occasional cravings persist.
Months 1-3Post-Acute Withdrawal Syndrome (PAWS) – Ongoing mood swings, depression, and cravings may continue.

Why Withdrawal Is So Intense

Crack cocaine creates a rapid surge of dopamine, but after stopping use, the brain struggles to produce dopamine naturally. This dopamine crash leads to prolonged feelings of emptiness, sadness, and cravings, making recovery difficult without professional support.

Treatment and Recovery

Despite its powerful grip, crack cocaine addiction is a serious form of substance abuse, but effective addiction treatment is available. Recovery requires professional healthcare intervention, as willpower alone is often not enough to overcome the intense cravings and psychological dependence. Treatment programs, including inpatient and outpatient options, provide structured support to help individuals regain control of their lives.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Behavioral therapies, such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), counseling, and support groups, play a crucial role in helping individuals rewire their thought patterns and develop healthier coping mechanisms. These treatment options are essential for addressing both the physical and psychological aspects of drug addiction.

Medical detox and structured rehabilitation programs—whether in an inpatient setting for intensive care or through outpatient treatment for flexible support—can help manage withdrawal symptoms and reduce the risk of relapse. Ongoing therapy and peer support groups, such as Narcotics Anonymous (NA), offer continued guidance to help individuals maintain long-term sobriety and rebuild their lives.

If you or a loved one is struggling with drug abuse, help is available. Seeking professional treatment can provide the tools and support needed to break free from addiction and reclaim a healthier, more fulfilling life. 

Getting Treatment for Crack Cocaine Addiction

The intense yet short-lived high of crack cocaine is followed by a severe crash, leading to overwhelming cravings, anxiety, and depression. This cycle fuels its highly addictive nature, making it one of the most dangerous and difficult substances to quit. The physical and psychological toll of crack cocaine use can be devastating, but recovery is possible with the right support.

If you or a loved one is struggling with crack cocaine addiction, you are not alone. At Recreate Life Counseling, our addiction specialists are available 24/7 to provide evidence-based treatment and guide you toward a lasting recovery. Take the first step today—call us now and start your journey to a healthier, drug-free life.

Published on: 2020-09-24
Updated on: 2025-02-20

Does Smoking Crack Cocaine Make You Paranoid?

Yes, smoking crack cocaine can definitely make you paranoid. Crack cocaine is a stimulant that is made from regular powdered cocaine and is even more powerful. Cocaine is mixed with baking soda or ammonia and cooked down to form a solid substance that is smokable once it has dried. It is a very addictive form of the drug and users will report being addicted after just one use.

Does Smoking Crack Cocaine Make You Paranoid?

Short-Term Effects of Crack Cocaine

Smoking crack gives the user an immediate high because the drug is delivered straight to the lungs and brain once it is inhaled. When crack cocaine reaches the brain excess amounts of dopamine are produced causing intense pleasure. The high only lasts between 5 and 15 minutes leaving users to desire more and more of the drug. This is what leads to a crack addiction. Some of the other short-term effects of the drug include:

  • Hyper-stimulation
  • Dilated pupils
  • Constricted blood vessels
  • Paranoia
  • Intense euphoria
  • Intense cravings
  • Increased breathing rate
  • Aggression

Smoking crack cocaine is a fast way to become easily and seriously addicted to the drug. The NIH produced an article with some statistics on the short-term effects of smoking crack cocaine.

The use of cocaine in the “crack” form is often associated with more frequent and intense symptoms. Paranoia occurs in 68% to 84% of patients using cocaine. Cocaine-related violent behaviors occur in as many as 55% of patients with cocaine-induced psychiatric symptoms. Homicide has also been associated with cocaine use in as many as 31% of homicide victims. In suicide, cocaine is present in as high as 18% to 22% of cases. Many patients with cocaine dependence have also been found to have a comorbid psychiatric disorder. (NIH )

Crack cocaine affects the reward centers in the brain, so as stated above, one can very easily become addicted to the drug after just one use. It’s highly addictive and a crack cocaine rehab is needed to overcome this dependency.

Cocaine Paranoia is a Real Problem

One of the effects of smoking crack or crack cocaine use is paranoia. Paranoia is a feeling of suspiciousness towards other people. Usually, the paranoia comes from hallucinations or a feeling that someone is watching or following them that isn’t there. Paranoia is one of the most common side effects of cocaine use. Some of the signs and symptoms of cocaine paranoia include distrusting strangers, fear of close friends or family for no reason, suspicion of other people’s actions, thinking others are looking at you when they aren’t, feeling everyone is out to get you, and seeing or hearing things that aren’t there.

Drug-induced paranoia can last anywhere from a few hours to weeks, months, and in severe cases even years if the drug is continued. Even after your body detoxes from the drug, paranoia may still show itself as the brain starts learning to function without substances. The duration depends on the length of time the drug was used and whether it was mixed with any other substances.

Drug-Induced Psychosis

One of the long-term effects of abusing cocaine and chronically smoking crack is drug-induced psychosis. Psychosis is a combination of hallucinations and paranoia and is common in crack cocaine and heavy methamphetamine users. Drug-induced psychosis can occur when using any high dose of mind-altering drugs since everyone reacts differently to each drug.

Treatment for Crack Cocaine Addiction

Crack cocaine addiction and smoking crack will destroy your life and those that love you most. It is one of the most addictive substances and the hardest to recover from. The intense cravings that the drug produces after only one use make it very difficult to stay off of, but it can be done.

Many people think that snorting cocaine is better than smoking crack even though the drugs are chemically identical. Studies do show that smoking crack leads to a greater risk of dependence and more severe consequences, and after entering treatment those that had snorted cocaine had better outcomes than smokers. However, the negative impact the drug has on someone’s life is the same no matter which way it is ingested.

If you or someone you love is struggling with an addiction, our addiction specialists are available around the clock to assist you. Recreate Life Counseling offers evidence-based addiction treatment to help you with a lasting recovery. Call us today!

Published on: 2020-09-13
Updated on: 2024-09-13

Difference Between the 12 Steps and 12 Traditions

While it may not be groundbreaking news today, addiction and alcoholism are not a choice, but deciding whether you want to get clean and sober or not is a choice. The diseases of alcoholism and addiction can both be remedied by working a program of recovery such as Alcoholics Anonymous, which is where the 12 steps and the 12 traditions originate. Before we talk about the 12 steps and 12 traditions, it is important to talk about where they come from.

Alcoholics Anonymous is the group that created the concept of the 12 steps. Its concepts of recovery and sobriety have been essential in changing the conversations surrounding addiction since it was created about 80 years ago. Alcoholics Anonymous was created to help those who are struggling with a drinking problem that is destroying their lives. It works on the premise that alcohol is an illness that can be managed like any other chronic illness.

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) give those struggling and also recovering a place to come together with other people dealing with the same things and it also provides a set of guidelines, also known as the 12 steps that are meant to act as a guide of recovery and everyday life. These 12 steps and the concepts were adapted into other recovery-based organizations such as CA, Cocaine Anonymous, and NA, Narcotics Anonymous.

Difference Between the 12 Steps and 12 Traditions

What Is The Difference Between 12 Steps and 12 Traditions

The difference between the 12 steps and the 12 traditions is not that big these two things are intertwined with each other. The 12 steps are the guidelines by which to get sober and recover. The 12 traditions act as the principles behind the steps and are meant to keep people focused on the primary purpose. Another way to put it is, the 12 steps are meant to keep your life in order and the 12 traditions are meant to keep the support group, AA/CA/etc., in order. They are also meant to ensure the future of the groups. 12 steps equal individual focus while 12 traditions equal group focus.

Studying and practicing the 12 steps in recovery and everyday life is essential to personal growth. The principles behind these steps are universal and adaptable to more than just recovering from addiction or alcoholism. They can be applied to every aspect of a person’s life.

More About the 12 Steps and 12 Traditions

The 12 traditions act as guidelines for promoting growth and harmony as an organization and fellowship as a whole. Experience, as well as trial and error with perfecting this model, has shown that unity as a whole depends very much on adherence to the traditions.

Research has shown that those who have participated in formal treatment and attended a support group, such as AA, have a much better chance of staying sober than those who do not. The only requirement to get involved in a support group and be successful with the steps is a desire to stop using any mind-altering substances. While the 12 steps and 12 traditions are spiritually based, no one has to feel excluded. There is no exclusion from those who are a different religion, denomination, or organization.

Get the Help You Need

If you or someone you love thinks they have a drinking or a drug problem and want to get help getting sober, you do not have to face it on your own. Our admissions counselors and professionals here are Recreate Life Counseling is available around the clock for you. We offer many different treatment plans to help you continue in your journey of sobriety. Now is the time to make the change. Let Recreate Life Counseling help you do it!

Published on: 2020-09-01
Updated on: 2024-11-08

Does Cocaine Abuse Make You Lose Weight?

Cocaine is an extremely addictive and powerful central nervous system stimulant drug that is derived from coca leaves. In the early 1900s, the purified chemical, cocaine hydrochloride, was isolated from the plant and was used as a main active ingredient in many elixirs and tonics that were used for medical purposes. Today, cocaine is a schedule II drug. This means that it has a high potential for abuse and addiction. As a street drug, cocaine looks like a white, powdery substance.

Cocaine works by sending high levels of dopamine to the parts of the brain that control pleasure.  High levels of dopamine cause high levels of energy and alertness that creates a high feeling. Cocaine has many short-term and long-term side effects on the body.

Short-term side effects of cocaine addiction include:

  • Increased heart rate
  • Increased breathing
  • Dilated pupils
  • Disturbed sleep patterns
  • Nausea
  • Hyperstimulation
  • Erratic behavior
  • Irritability
  • Intense euphoria
  • Paranoia
  • Depression
  • Loss of appetite

The long-term and chronic side effects of cocaine abuse include:

  • Permanent damage to the heart and brain
  • High blood pressure
  • Liver, kidney, and lung damage
  • Destruction to the nasal cavity
  • Hallucinations
  • Tooth decay
  • Extreme exhaustion
  • Disorientation
  • Infertility
  • Irritability and/or mood changes
  • Psychosis
  • Severe depression
  • Malnutrition and weight loss

While weight loss is one of the “side effects” of cocaine abuse, it’s a dangerous health issue and only adds to a list of side effects that severely damage the body over time. It’s not healthy and leads to weight loss that weakens the body. If anyone is contemplating using cocaine as a weight-loss tool, they are playing with fire.

Does Cocaine Abuse Make You Lose Weight?

Cocaine and Weight Loss

There is a general association of weight loss with cocaine use due to its appetite suppressing abilities. It has always been thought that cocaine users to eat less because it is an appetite suppressant, but it can actually change the way the body digests food and stores food for later by changing the way the body metabolizes food.

This causes users to become unnaturally thin and malnourished. Oddly enough, a cocaine user’s body will continue to get thinner and thinner even though they tend to eat diets consisting of higher amounts of high-fat and high-calorie foods. Having a severe and speedy dip in weight can wreak havoc on a person’s heart, liver, and kidneys. According to an article posted by NIH:

The cocaine-dependent men in our study reported increased food intake, specifically in foods that are high in fat and carbohydrates, but there was no concomitant increase in body weight. In short, our findings challenge the widely held assumptions that cocaine use leads to weight loss through a global suppression of appetite. Rather, they suggest a profound metabolic alteration that needs to be taken into account if we are to understand fully the deleterious physical consequences of repeated use of this drug.

Eating solid and healthy meals is difficult if you’re using cocaine, and it starts to show on your body rather quickly because you can become malnourished.  Once you’re addicted to this dangerous stimulant, it’s important to reach out for professional help.

Overcome Cocaine Addiction

Consequently, when a person gets sober, a user could experience excessive weight gain once cocaine use has stopped. It is helpful to know that overeating during early sobriety is very common and should level out.

The best and safest option to get off cocaine is by the use of one of the many treatment programs we offer at Recreate Life Counseling. We offer partial care and outpatient treatment programs that provide therapeutic education and guidance for each individual to help them safely reintegrate into society. With the help of our team of therapists, we offer one on one, group therapy, as well as many other specialized options to fit each person’s needs. Addiction treatment requires a multi-layered approach for maximum success. Addiction isn’t an easy thing to face and the health risks are not worth a short high.

You do not have to face getting sober from cocaine on your own. Our admissions counselors and addiction professionals are available around the clock. We are ready to help you or a loved one overcome the disease of addiction. Now is the time to change your life. Let us help you do it!


  • How much weight do people typically lose when using Cocaine?

Published on: 2020-05-08
Updated on: 2024-04-18