Adderall side effects in females

TL;DR – Adderall can cause similar side effects in females as in males, including insomnia, loss of appetite, weight loss, anxiety, dizziness, and nausea. Hormonal fluctuations may also affect its efficacy and side effects in females.

Even though Adderall effectively treats ADHD, men and women alike can experience a wide range of side effects. However, some Adderall side effects are unique to females, which is why it’s essential to understand what these side effects are and what to do if you experience them.

Any woman who abuses Adderall and similar stimulants should seek treatment as quickly as possible. Before you start taking Adderall, keep in mind that this particular drug is considered highly addictive by the Drug Enforcement Administration. The following offers a more comprehensive overview of Adderall’s side effects commonly found in women.

What You Should Know About Adderall

Adderall is the primary drug used to treat ADHD, a chronic health condition that results in hyperactivity and attention difficulty. While the drug is mainly designed to reduce ADHD symptoms, it’s also regularly used by people looking to lose weight.

This medication is trendy on college campuses by students who believe that they will obtain higher grades with the enhanced concentration that Adderall can provide. A small number of people who abuse the drug will inject or snort the drug, which is designed to make the effects of the drug more potent.

How Adderall Affects Females

The amount of Adderall that a woman should take depends on her body weight. If doses aren’t varied based on body weight, the total amount of processed amphetamine within the body increases by upwards of 30%. Keep in mind that estrogen will also determine how effective Adderall is when taken by females.

When estrogen is at an elevated level, the effects of Adderall are heightened. Estrogen can be at elevated levels during menopause, puberty, or pregnancy. When a woman takes a standard dose of Adderall during pregnancy or menopause, she can experience a “high” sensation. The body may even become physically dependent on the drug, which is dangerous and can lead to addiction.

Primary Side Effects of Adderall in Females

Some of the side effects that a person can experience after taking Adderall are more common among women, mainly the result of how a woman processes this substance. The main side effects that you could experience when taking a standard dose of Adderall include:

  • Decreased libido
  • Increased anxiety
  • Headaches
  • Dry mouth
  • Dizziness
  • Issues with bowel movements
  • Sleeping difficulties, which can consist of having trouble staying asleep

How Adderall Can Affect a Pregnancy

If you are currently pregnant and are considering taking Adderall for ADHD or to lose weight, you should avoid using this medication for the duration of your pregnancy. Even though there haven’t been many studies centered around the effects of Adderall on pregnancy, the limited amount of research indicates that taking any form of amphetamines could be unsafe during pregnancy.

Taking illegal amphetamines like methamphetamine could result in relatively low birth weight, withdrawal symptoms following the birth, premature birth, and physical harm to infants or fetuses. Infant mortality is also a possibility. On the other hand, Adderall has proven to be somewhat effective at treating the adverse symptoms associated with menopause.


Severe Side Effects Associated with Adderall

Because women have a higher chance of experiencing side effects when taking Adderall, the possibility of going through severe side effects is also increased. Stimulants like Adderall will invariably increase body temperature, heart rate, and blood pressure. You’re also more likely to lose your appetite and have issues with falling asleep at night.

It’s important to understand that standard usage of Adderall can still lead to changes being made within your brain in regards to how emotions are regulated. When taken for a prolonged period, Adderall could cause damage to the heart muscles, lungs, vascular system, and similar internal organs, which could worsen your health considerably.

Possibility of Adderall Leading to Shortness of Breath

Some of the more severe Adderall side effects that females may experience include fainting, shortness of breath, and difficulties with breathing. These side effects could create additional health complications and potentially death if left untreated. If you go through any of these symptoms, it’s highly recommended to obtain medical treatment as soon as possible.

Possibility of Adderall Leading to High Blood Pressure

Because Adderall is considered a stimulant, it can cause high blood pressure in women. While most people will experience elevated blood pressure at one time or another, this side effect can pose a problem if you’re also suffering from a severe cardiac issue or heart abnormality. When you take Adderall, the medication may cause your heart rate to increase at a rate of 3-6 beats every minute. This increase may be even higher depending on your current health. If you have been diagnosed with any heart condition, you must speak with your doctor before you decide to use Adderall for your ADHD.

Possibility of Adderall Leading to a Heart Attack

Adderall is a powerful stimulant that everyone shouldn’t take. Even a single use of this medication could result in cardiac arrest, which isn’t necessarily as severe as a heart attack. A cardiac arrest can develop without forewarning and occurs when a person’s heartbeat suddenly stops. If you don’t use Adderall as prescribed, the possibility that you experience a cardiac arrest increases substantially. The side effects that might occur when you take a higher dose of Adderall than you were prescribed include:

  • Blurred vision
  • Sexual dysfunction
  • Hypertension 
  • Stroke
  • Chest pain
  • Constipation
  • Dizziness
  • Headaches
  • Heart attack
  • Seizures
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Insomnia

Signs that a Loved One Is Abusing Adderall

Unlike some drugs, it’s not always easy to identify that someone is abusing Adderall. Some students and younger people will take Adderall to increase their concentration levels and productivity. The main signs of being on the lookout for if you believe that someone close to you is abusing Adderall include:

  • Excitability that’s uncharacteristic
  • Secretive behavior
  • Aggression
  • Working or concentrating too hard
  • Withdrawing from social situations
  • Talking too much
  • Not finishing thoughts
  • Mania
  • Unexplained financial issues
  • Taking pills frequently
  • Need to refill prescriptions at a quicker rate than anticipated
  • Memory problems
  • Fast weight loss

Treatment Options Available to Females

There is a wide range of effective treatments available to women abusing Adderall or who have become addicted to the medication. These treatments can primarily be broken down into medical detoxification, outpatient treatment, and inpatient rehab, all of which can help you work towards recovery and are available at ReCreate Life Counseling.

Medical Detoxification

Medical detox programs are designed to help any woman dependent on Adderall progress safely through the withdrawal symptoms that naturally occur. When a body becomes dependent on any drug or medication, when deciding to stop taking medicine, you will experience withdrawal symptoms that can worsen your health and make relapse more likely. Medical detox allows you to go through this process under 24/7 medical supervision. You will also likely receive small doses of medications that can ease the withdrawal symptoms and help you progress to the next stage of treatment.

Outpatient Treatment

Intensive outpatient programs are designed to help you learn how to manage your addiction and lead a sober lifestyle without requiring you to stay in a residential facility. This form of treatment is available on a part-day or full-day basis and usually takes place several days each week. During treatment, you should still meet all of your work or school responsibilities.

Women who attend this treatment program will be in an environment tailored to fit their specific needs. The treatments administered during an outpatient rehab program include family therapy, group counseling, behavioral therapy, and individual therapy.

Inpatient Rehab

Inpatient rehab provides you with all of the same treatments available in outpatient rehab. However, the main difference is that these therapies are provided in a residential setting, which you will be required to stay at on a 24/7 basis for the duration of the program. This is the most intensive form of treatment and is designed to accommodate women going through a severe addiction to Adderall. You’ll be in a drug-free environment among other people who are going through the same journey as you.

Even if you take Adderall as prescribed, the side effects among females can be severe and lead to abuse or addiction. When this occurs, you or your loved one must admit that treatment is needed. Call ReCreate Life Counseling today if you have any questions about our programs or would like to begin your path towards recovery.

Published on: 2021-11-26
Updated on: 2024-04-07

Why Do Stimulants Calm Me Down?

Stimulants belong to a class of psychoactive drugs that provide corrections in regards to physical and mental functioning. This means they will elevate your mood, increase any feelings of general well-being, increase energy, and increase alertness.

Prescription stimulants are generally prescribed to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. ADHD is one of the most common mental disorders in children and also affects many adults. Symptoms of ADHD include the inability to keep focus, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. The most common stimulants that are prescribed are Adderall, Ritalin, and Dexedrine.

Recreate Life Counseling in Boynton Beach
Adderall makes me calm

Why Do They Calm Me Down?

To put it simply, stimulants likely calm you down because you are one of the many who have ADHD. Taking stimulants when you do not have ADHD often leads to side effects that mimic symptoms of ADHD.

Every person’s brain and nervous system functions based on how your brain’s neurons communicate across synapses. These neurons relay important information via the transmitters throughout your brain. For all of these pathways to work efficiently, your neuron must both produce and release through the neurotransmitter, and it needs to stay long enough for it to bind to the receptor site. What occurs for individuals with ADHD is that the neurotransmitter is reabsorbed early back into the neuron. This means they cannot adequately relay the messages. That is where the medication helps!

More About Why Do Stimulants Calm Down?

The chemicals norepinephrine and dopamine in the brain are responsible for playing a key role in regulating executive function and attention. Stimulants work by increasing dopamine in the brain by slowing down how much is reabsorbed back into the brain. This effectively helps the neurotransmitter hold in synapse long enough for the message to be sent and received. This results in improved communication and activity in the areas of the brain that operate with the help of norepinephrine and dopamine.

When the communication within your brain is improved with the help of stimulants, your focus, energy, hyperactivity, and impulsiveness are all improved, thus calming you down.

Two Different Kinds of Stimulants

There are two different main active ingredients in ADHD medications, and they do slightly different things. The first is called methylphenidate. It works by increasing the amounts of dopamine in the brain by blocking any reuptake of norepinephrine and dopamine.

So basically, it lowers how much is reabsorbed into the neuron. Methylphenidate stimulants include Concerta, Focalin, Metadate, and Ritalin. The other active ingredient is amphetamine. It works by increasing the release amount of dopamine and norepinephrine out of its storage sight and into the synapse. Amphetamine stimulants include Adderall and Vyvanse.


Dangerous Stimulant Dependence

Even if you have a prescription from a doctor for a stimulant, it is possible to develop a dependence on it. But, of course, you will develop a dependence on anything if you take it long enough.

Stimulants are even more dangerously addictive for those who don’t need it because it produces feelings of euphoria, excessive energy, and excitement. They are very common for college-age students because they abuse them to increase the amount of time they can study and believe it will enhance their cognitive ability; unfortunately, while they will keep you awake, there is no evidence to show they will improve your retain information.

Start Professional Treatment For Stimulants Addiction!

Prescription stimulants are useful for treating those with ADHD by helping to calm you down, but it does not come without its risks. If you want to stop taking your prescription stimulant, you should consult with a doctor first. If you are dependent or addicted to stimulants, we are here to help you in your journey.

Contact us and talk to one of our addiction specialists and they will help you find the best treatment to help you overcome your addiction. We offer a variety of treatments from medication-assisted treatments to residential treatments, chances are there are ones that are right for you.

Published on: 2021-08-02
Updated on: 2025-01-15

Does CBD Help Relieve Opioid Withdrawal?

Opioids are a class of drugs used to treat mild to severe pain. Opioid withdrawal is a dangerous condition resulting from opioid addiction or dependence. The National Institutes of Health define opioid withdrawal as:

Opioid withdrawal occurs when a patient who is dependent on opioids suddenly reduces or stops taking opioids. It can also be caused when a patient has an opioid in his/her system and is given an opioid partial agonist like buprenorphine or antagonists like naloxone or naltrexone. The etiology of opioid withdrawal is complex.

Opioid withdrawal is very uncomfortable and a lot of addicts will tell you that they have stayed sick or continued to use opioids strictly out of the fear of the debilitating withdrawal symptoms that come with opioid addiction.

Opioid Withdrawal Symptoms

There are four stages of withdrawal: anticipatory, early acute, fully-developed acute, and PAWS (post-acute withdrawal syndrome). Some of the symptoms of early opioid withdrawal (early acute) can include:

● Anxiety
● Insomnia
● Agitation
● Muscle aches
● Runny nose
● Sweating
● Yawning
● Increased tearing

Symptoms of opioid withdrawal can typically start about 24 hours after an individual’s last use, but that time can vary depending on which opioid the person was dependent on. Some of the symptoms of late opioid withdrawal (fully-developed acute) can include:

● Vomiting
● Nausea
● Abdominal cramping
● Diarrhea
● Goosebumps
● Dilated pupils

Once the physical withdrawal symptoms have subsided the post-acute withdrawal stage (PAWS) starts. PAWS are psychological symptoms of opioid dependence that can persist for up to 24 months after the acute withdrawal phases end.

Does CBD Help Relieve Opioid Withdrawal?

What is CBD And What Is It Used For?

CBD stands for cannabidiol. CBD is the second most prevalent of the active ingredients of marijuana (cannabis). CBD is derived from the hemp plant (cousin of the marijuana plant) although it is an essential component of medical marijuana.

CBD does not have the psychoactive properties that THC does, so it does not get you high. There are different kinds of CBD. It comes in different concentrations and is sold in a number of ways. Full-spectrum CBD does contain a small amount of THC in it, but it is less than 03%.

In 2018, a CBD oral solution, Epidiolex, was approved by the FDA for the treatment of certain rare forms of epilepsy in children under 2. CBD is also believed to influence opioid receptors that regulate pain and also glycine receptors which regulate serotonin, the “feel-good” hormone.

CBD is useful for various mental and physical conditions such as anxiety, insomnia, and chronic pain. Some of the other conditions that CBD may help with are cancer-related symptoms, epilepsy, depression, drug addiction and withdrawal, glaucoma, muscle spasms, anorexia, Parkinson’s Disease, acne, heart health, and high blood pressure.

Can CBD Help Get Through Opioid Withdrawal?

Although CBD has not been approved for the treatment of opioid withdrawal and dependence, the future looks promising and it may be helpful. Some researchers and users say that CBD can help you or a loved one get through opioid withdrawal if used appropriately.

Based on preclinical research and emerging human research, cannabidiol (CBD; a major constituent of the cannabis plant) is a promising pharmacotherapy for the treatment of opioid withdrawal. Most recently, CBD decreased cue-induced craving and anxiety (two common withdrawal symptoms) among abstinent heroin-dependent individuals relative to placebo. As of June 2018, Epidiolex, an oral formulation of plant-derived pure CBD, has been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for treating severe forms of epilepsy and can be prescribed for other off-label indications. Epidiolex has a low side effect and a high safety profile. Given the recent FDA approval of Epidiolex, and a growing interest to develop existing pharmaceuticals to address issues related to Opioid Use Disorder (OUD) and its recovery, the investigators are proposing a pilot study to examine the safety of Epidiolex in a human laboratory model of clinically relevant withdrawal. The study will be a residential within-subject comparison; methadone-maintained participants will undergo spontaneous withdrawal and receive placebo dosing and active cannabidiol. Data collected for this study will establish: (1) the safety of administering two dosing regimens of Epidiolex within the investigators’ withdrawal paradigm and (2) the feasibility of the investigators’ withdrawal paradigm for demonstrating clinically meaningful increases in withdrawal. (John Hopkins University )

As stated above, CBD is effective at alleviating pain, insomnia, anxiety, and depression, which are some of the symptoms that can come with opioid withdrawal. However, CBD has not yet been tested or approved as an official treatment for use with opioid withdrawal or opioid use disorder.

Effective Treatment for Opioid Addiction

If you or someone you love requires help with opioid dependence, our addiction specialists are available around the clock to assist you. Recreate Life Counseling offers evidence-based addiction treatment. We specialize in individualized treatment programs to get you on the road to a lasting recovery.

Published on: 2020-10-04
Updated on: 2024-05-13