Addiction & Treatment Blog Articles

Signs Your Body Is Releasing Trauma During or After Addiction

Trauma occurs when a disturbing experience has lasting effects on a person’s mental and physical well-being. Events like attacks, disasters, and accidents, as well as...

How Long Do Mushroom Gummies Last?

Eating mushroom gummies and other edibles has become a popular way to consume psilocybin or psilocin, the active ingredient in psychedelic “magic” mushrooms. Mushrooms have...

Benefits of Quitting Weed

Are you one of the 52.5 million people in the United States who uses weed? That’s about 19 percent of the population, according to the...

Can You Smoke Magic Mushrooms?

Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only. We do not encourage or endorse the use of magic mushrooms or any other controlled substances. Our...

Questions for Recovering Addicts

While dealing with detox and the associated withdrawal symptoms that come from abruptly quitting drugs or alcohol is indeed challenging, overcoming the psychological aspects of...

Who Pays for a Halfway House?

A halfway house, also known as a sober living home or transitional housing, provides a structured and supportive living environment for individuals transitioning back into...

Nitrous Oxide Effects

Nitrous oxide, or “laughing gas,” is a form of sedation and has many mainstream applications in the healthcare and dental procedures. Unfortunately, its euphoric effects...

Rate of Relapse after Rehab

Despite resistance from some professionals in the field of substance abuse and addiction treatment, the term “relapse” began to be out of favor as early...

Build Resilience and Thrive: Download Your Free Mental Health Toolkit

Mental health is the foundation of a fulfilling and balanced life, yet it’s easy to feel overwhelmed when tough times arise. Whether you’re navigating stress,...

Methadone Rehabilitation

The opioid epidemic plaguing the country has resulted in numerous deaths and ruined countless lives. Opioids are highly addictive, and their addictive properties have combined...

Hypnosis for Drug Addiction Near Me

Drug addiction is a chronic condition that involves using a substance continuously and compulsively, even when the effects are harmful. It causes lasting changes in...

Inpatient Substance Abuse Treatment Florida

If it seems like substance abuse is a problem in Florida, it’s because it is. That’s the conclusion drawn in multiple studies that have examined...

Rehab Center Florida

Are you searching for a high-quality drug rehab in Florida? Florida’s climate and relaxed ambiance make it a great location for rehab facilities. As a...

OCD and Addiction: Understanding the Connection

Obsessions and compulsions can consume so much time and energy that they interfere with daily life, exacerbating stress and anxiety. This overwhelming cycle can lead...

Delray Detox

If you struggle with drug or alcohol addiction, you may wonder how to start the recovery process. You may feel intimidated or afraid. Recovery is...

Suboxone Rehab

The opioid crisis has impacted individuals, families, and neighborhoods across the United States. Its origins stem from the widespread prescription of opioid painkillers in the...

IOP with Housing Near Me

If you’re struggling with alcohol addiction, drug addiction, or substance abuse, building a strong support network is crucial for successful addiction recovery. This network should...

What Does Heroin Smell Like?

Heroin, an opioid drug derived from the poppy plant, is known for its highly addictive properties and severe impact on health, leading to widespread heroin...